⚠️This has been tested to work on North American systems and North American digital and physical game cartridges. This has not been tested on other systems, but theoretically they should work. By using this tool, even on the intended hardware, you assume any and all liability associated with using this software as well as the liability associated with patching a Nintendo game. (This is just for legal reasons there is minimal risk)
Sonya or Deen? (If Celica's Party or Full Route)
Random Recruiting (Beta)Randomizes recruited character identity (Due to unchanged event pointers, this may cause unexpected outcomes)
Randomize Classes
Choose which classes are part of the pool (must pick at least one):
Standard Classes?Includes standard classes such as Archer, Cavalier, Baron
Amiibo Classes?Includes Amiibo classes such as Lords, Robin, Ike
Enemy Classes?Includes enemy classes such as Brigands, Cantors, Witches
Broken Classes?Includes broken classes that have crazy stats or partially don't work
Ugly Classes?Includes classes that human's weren't designed to class into and don't look good.
Alm and Celica Classes?Includes Alm and Celica classes (Fighter, Princess, etc.)
Generate Overclasses?Includes DLC Overclasses
2 Level Class Organization:
Determines how to randomize classes that only promote once like Mages and Pegasus Knights
Base is 1 and 2Mage: Tier 1 and 2 Sage: Tier 3
Base is 1Mage: Tier 1 Sage: Tier 2 and 3
Give classes more secondary weapons?Gives classes more weapons (ex. Ike gets axes, Robin gets Swords, Barons get Axes)
Randomize Class Tree Evolution (Coming Soon)Class Evolution Tree is currently unstable and not working.
Spell Lists:
Randomize Spell Lists? (Beta)Randomizes player spell lists
Randomize Player Growths
Randomize Growths?Generates random growth rates for characters
Set minimum growth rate
Set maximum growth rate
Randomize Movement Growth? (Need to patch code.bin to work)THRACIA TIME!
Set minimum movement growth rate
Set maximum movement growth rate
Shuffle Growths?Shuffles around player growths instead of generating random values